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Real life common encounters on property problems and some possible solutions are shared to benefit all international surfers to
Ref: 806091. How to rent out faster than
others in 1998/99.
Subject: Foreign Owners of
Singapore Properties
Comments: Be
generous in a declining market & pay promptly
June 9, 1998
Over the last 10 years, the baby-boomer generation of Singaporeans have enjoyed almost full employment and a paternalistic government. Compared to the foreign owner (e.g.Hongkongers, Taiwanese and Indonesian who pay 100% cash), many first-time Singaporean landlords are not investment minded because the Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions from the salary pays a large part of the mortgage. Therefore, Singaporean landlords lose their edge and become inflexible.
Too many do not understand the importance of early occupancy, the need to be flexible and to satisfy the Tenant's needs and how to motivate the realtor to give their property top priority, the post-rental services. In the last few months, one new condo is available every month, putting pressure on landlords to reduce the rental. The American and Canadian banks have increased their expatriate staff recently, but many Americans are leaving Singapore. Tenants have high demands which would be considered "unreasonable" 2 years ago.
Case study 1. A typical non-investment minded Singaporean Owner.
Asia USA has a lawyer-owner of a 4-bedroom UE Square Condo ding-donging with the tenancy agreement for the last 14 days. Our client (Dutch firm) has a lawyer who, to be expected, make several amendments in the interest of the Tenant and she felt that her amendments in the interest of the Landlord were ignored. Could be a case of post-natal blues.
The Tenant's lawyer took a few days to review her amendments (time is of essence for our Tenant as he would be leaving Singapore soon) with rationale given, proposing "permitted" assigns.
In proposing "permitted", who will be giving the permission? Another round of rejection by the landlord and 10 days had passed. Our client was asking whether she was really interested in renting her apartment? He left for the Netherlands as we persuaded him to see whether he could over-rule the corporate lawyer and agree to some of the amendments from the Landlord.
The Tenant's lawyer is a "reasonable" freak. She made sure that "reasonable" is inserted in any clause such as "reasonable" legal fees "on a full indemnity basis" (whatever it means), "reasonable wear and tear" of the furniture and all other factors. y.
Another round of negotiations to ask for $12,000 furnishing budget (2 months' rental).
If our Dutch Tenant does not have his mind fixated on her unit, the whole matter would have been aborted as there is no shortfall of 4-bedrooms even in UE Square Condo.
Case study 2. A typical non-investment minded Singaporean Managing Director.
Asia USA was referred by an Owner (see Dressed to Kill the New Zealander Pathologist) to this corporation's manager. The corporation has the Tanglin Regency 3-bedroom for lease. It is not an outstanding unit as regards view from the living room.
Advices to new expatriate tenants renting new condos: Do be careful. Unlike most new condos, the Tanglin Regency developer did not provide wardrobe in the 2nd bedroom or oven. A microwave oven was forgotten in the inventory. Costing around $300. The Managing Director of the company said "too bad" as the lease was signed.
Obviously, the M.D forgot the "post-sales service" and the possibility of referrals from existing expatriate Tenants to his company's other properties such as the new "Oleander Towers".
In this case, our agency offers to pay for the microwave oven and we have to be more alert the next time around. We would not bother with this corporation as there are many units, even in Tanglin Regency.
How to rent out your unit faster? Since there are so many inflexible, inexperience neophyte Singapore landlords, foreign owners have had a good time, renting out their units very fast. They need to as they pay 100% cash unlike most Singaporeans.
Asia USA gives priority to owners who ask us to help. Owners must help themselves. We still remember a busy Signature Park Owner who asked us to help rent his 4-bedroom. For last 4 weeks, his apartment is still like a war zone, with stickers pointing out defects and the marble floor unpolished. Generally, there will be no closing as no decision can be made by the prospective Tenant.
There are several articles for locals on how to rent their units faster, written in and found in Surfers' Girl Tips and Affordable Homes for Expatriates (Dressed to kill the New Zealander pathologist; The Doctor all realtors love).
This report is written to advise Foreign Owners of Singapore Properties, but the basic principles still apply to all Landlords. An investment property, just like any investment such as shares, must:
Many first-time Singaporean landlords have this attitude: "I can afford to let my unit be empty in order to get what I want (usually above market rentals)". Unfortunately they complain that their neighbours "underprice" their rental units. We find many Hongkong and Taiwanese Owners extremely smart and flexible and the following tips may be useful.
Citing a real case in a Fernhill Road townhouse. This old townhouse with leaking bathroom advertises $6000 rental by an Owner's friend.
Advices to new housing agents: In such cases, there is a big risk you will not be paid the agency commission as you are dealing with an absentee Owner who may have no authority to act on behalf of the Owner. Get written agreement before commencing.
The friend wants 20% which is $1,200 for a 2-year lease and said he could dictate to the other realtor what % he should receive. This kind of arrangement discourage co-broking with the friend of the Owner as the realtor with the Tenant does not know who will pay him.
Advices to absentee Owners: What the Owner should do is to pay his friend for his time spent and for the advertisements. All agents should get full commission to motivate referral.
All brokers look forward to the full commission to pay for the heavy costs of Straits Times advertisements. Since there is the 1.5 month's rental commission, the managing agent keeps 0.5 and the co-broker keeps 1.0 (the industry's standard) if he co-brokes. If he is successful, he gets 1.5 months. The Owner gets his unit rented out faster, if it is a rentable unit and the rent is closer to market rate.
If the Owner takes the standard practice, the co-broker gets 0.5 months which is a common practice and therefore of no motivation to co-broking. He may as well go direct to Owners' listing and there are several of them advertised daily in the Straits Times and in Internet.
Hope above tips are useful for all foreign owners. Best wishes.
Anne Brocklebank.
Exclusive marketing of rental properties by Asia USA for Foreign
We understand the problems of a foreign owner because we encounter the great difficulty in getting a good realtor and managing agent in Australia and a decent rental income.
In one case of a Gold Coast property, a gross rental income of A$1,500 could result in a net rental income of A$100 after deductions by the managing agent and there was nothing we could do. Every time the guest checks out, even after 2 days' stay, the managing agent charges A$60!
We do accept a few exclusive marketing rights to lease "rentable" properties from Foreign Owners. If there is a need to manage the Tenant, we charge 5% of the rental fees. If not, there will be no charge.
Recommendations for effective marketing still will be the 1.5 month's agency commission and payment of the Straits Times advertisements by the Owner. Please see form below and email if you have further queries.
w Rent, sales & management of properties
w Real estate investments
House Agents Licence No. AD041 - 07306B. See for listings of
affordable homes for expats/advices to newcomer expat
tenant/landlord/investor/housing agents!
Asia USA Realty (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Blk 1002, Toa Payoh Lorong 8, #01-1477, Singapore 319074. Tel: (65) 254 2728, 254 3326, 254 7944. Mobile: (65) 9668 6468. Fax: 256 0501. Email: Internet:
The undersigned Owner(s) grants Asia USA Realty (Singapore) Pte Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the Realtor) the Exclusive Authorisation and Rights, for a period of 90 days from June 15, 1998, to lease the property known as La Suisse #XX-FF, Swiss View, Singapore. The Rental Amount shall be S$4,000 - S$5,000. Commencement Period: As soon as possible after July 31, 1998. The Vendor agrees to pay the Realtor as commission for service rendered a fee of one months rental for two-year lease and reimburse the Straits Times advertisement fees if:
1. the Realtor procures a Tenant during the term hereof on the terms specified herein or
2. the Property is sold during the term hereof, by the Owner or through any source, or
3. the Property is leased or made unmarketable by the Owners voluntary act during the term hereof or any extension thereof, or
4. a Lease is made by the Owner within three months after the termination of this Agreement or any extension thereof to persons with whom the Realtor has negotiated thereof, or
5. should any monies paid on account of any Tenant be forfeited, then one half of the monies forfeited shall be paid to the Realtor provided the said amount does not exceed the commission.
Should the Realtor procure a Tenant before July 31, 1998, the Realtor will get a 2-months' rent as agency commission.
The Realtor is authorised to co-operate with other realtors in the marketing and lease of the property and may divide the above commission with such other realtors. The Owner authorises the Realtor to appoint sub-agents to assist the Realtor in carrying out the Realtors obligations hereunder or to assign this authorisation. The Owner shall utilise the "Letter of Intent" or the "Lease Agreement" forms as provided by Asia USA Realty.
The Owner agrees to make available to the Realtor and prospective Tenants all data, records and documents pertaining to the property, to allow the Realtor to show the property at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice and to place a "For Lease" sign on the property and not to commit any act which may tend to obstruct the Realtors performance.
The Owner agrees to pay the Realtor a Goods & Services Tax of 3% of the commission if required and warrants the accuracy of the information furnished herein in respect of the above described property and agrees to hold the Realtor harmless from any liabilities or damages arising out of incorrect, inaccurate or undisclosed information.
The undersigned warrants that he/she is the Owner of the above described property or that he has the authority to execute this Agreement and that he/she has made full and frank disclosure in writing in respect of all facts pertaining to the property.
Date: June 15, 1998 | Date: June 15, 1998 | |
Realtors Signature: | Owners Signature: | Owners Signature: |
Realtor: Asia USA Realty | Owners Name, Address & ID No. | Owners Name, Address & ID No. |
........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... |
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Agent's Name: Dr Sing Kong Yuen Managing Director |
for and on behalf of Owner(s).
Witness Signature: |
for and on behalf of Owner(s).
Witness Signature: |
Phone number of Owner: Fax number of Owner: Comments: |
For more information, email
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Information :
Dr Sing Kong Yuen
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