A one-year-old hamster suddenly developed an itchy lower body.
What was the cause of this allergy? "Your hamster might
have been in contact with the chemicals on the wood litter," I
other hamsters in the house are normal," Mrs Wong said.
"Just like people, not every hamster will get allergy even under
the same environment and feeding." I said. "The urine may
interact with the chemicals and cause a ventral dermatitis type
of itchiness."
The Owner had applied iodine-containing antiseptic
bought from over the counter in the Chinese Medicine Shop, but
this yellow staining liquid did not help to relieve the itch.
You could see that the hamster had licked off the iodine, a
habit of the rodents. If more iodine had been
applied, t might have been poisoned by continuous licking.
More red scratch marks on the skin were seen.

"Will she bite?" I asked as I was going to give it an anti-itch
injection. "No," said Mrs Wong. |
said the husband. "She bites if you wake it up from its
beauty sleep or when she is eating." He spoke from
The hamster was given a sniff of the gas and while dazed,
I injected her with an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory
She recovered fast and was brought home on instructions
that she would not be in contact with the wood shavings. |