Be Kind To Pets.
A Community Education project using
narrative stories with pictures, is sponsored by
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The street fighter never sleeps
"He is very
fierce, very suspicious," Ms Lim warned me as she
put the caged cat on the examination table. "He has
been a stray cat for the past three years."
Stray male cats on the streets are notorious for
scratching stranger vets and trying to flee.

still remembered one cat who leapt up from the
examination table onto a higher table near the
wall, gripped the side of the concrete wall and shot
himself into a gap where the big sewerage pipe entered
the false ceiling board from upstairs and hid himself up
above the false ceiling, hissing at anyone who tried to
catch him. All these were done in less than five seconds
after a backside tranquiliser injection to prepare him
for castration. Fortunately, the tranquiliser took
effect, otherwise, it would be impossible to bring him
down from the confined area above the false ceiling.
This incident caused me to respect all cats coming to
the surgery.
"Close the sliding door tightly," I told Nurse
Ann. "Bring a cat cage to transfer this cat into
and I will inject him from inside the cage, using phone
books to squeeze him into a corner."
If the stray
cat escaped through the door, he could run anywhere and
it would be freedom. It is extremely difficult to catch
a cat.
He was the common Singapore stray cat. Greyish dull coat
with white collars covered by tiger stripes on the legs
and tails.
No glossy coat as you could see on a well groomed stray
cat (picture).
This was a street fighter and the infected wounds had
taken a toll on his health. He might have viral
infections and worm infestations over the years.
He was emaciated, with just sufficient body weight to
live to fight another day. His left lower leg reddened
with six cat bite puncture wounds.
He was not the ideal patient for surgery as his body was
stained with black carbon particles. His scrotal sacs
housing his testicles were blackened with layers of
"How did you manage to capture him?" I asked
Ms Lim.
"I put food inside this cat carrier and he went
inside. Although I fed him since he was a kitten, he was
very wary of me."
Ms Lim started to transfer her cat. The cat's bright
yellow eyes opened wide. Quickly, I injected him with a
tranquiliser. He did not scratch me or attempt to run
away. He was then kept in the cat cage.
Five minutes later, at least four tablespoonfuls of wet
yellowish cat feed were vomited out, an effect of the
xylazine tranquiliser. Usually, cats are starved
overnight and at least 12 hours before anaesthesia. Ms
Lim said that her cat had his meal 12 hours ago but the
food was still in the stomach. He must have been very
"Do you want his left ear tip to be cut off?"
I asked Ms Lim. The Singapore veterinary authorities
have a scheme whereby they don't impound stray cats with
left tipped ears provided somebody in the neighbourhood
was responsible for looking after them.
"Yes," Ms Lim said.

cannot be back on the streets after the ear surgery as
the cut edge of the ear takes around one week to heal.
Why don't you keep him in the surgery for one night as
it is free of charge?" I said. "He had an antibiotic injection
and this deworming tablet would clear him of intestinal
worms. Can you keep him at home for the next few days?"
Ms Lim shook her head. "My parents prohibit cats at
home, but I have a friend who will look after him as I
will be going on holidays tomorrow."
This cat looked as if he lived hungry years. He looked
more than three years old. He looked skinny, like those
old cats with kidney problems. Yet looks can deceive.
His weight loss would be due to multiple and frequent
toxic infections accumulated from his frequent fights to
establish his territory. He probably slept very short
hours as he had so many competitors in this Housing and
Development Board neighbourhood.
He had a big heart but was not big sized. Could other
male cats gang up to bite his left leg? Ms Lim took him
back after castration as she had to go on her
pre-Christmas holidays the next day.
I hope the removal of the aggressive testosterone
hormones from castration would give her cat a peaceful life in
the concrete jungles of the highly built up apartments
of Singapore.
Ms Lim, in her twenties and her
boyfriend represent the younger educated generation who
cared for nature and animals. Her parents would be the
baby-boomer generation who had brought up children on
deprivation. This generation considers helping
stray cats a waste of money. Keeping one in her home was
out of question. So, this street fighter had to lead a
vagabond life in the concrete jungle. At least the
government cat catcher would not eliminate him since he
had his left ear tipped.
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