Apartment Puppies
in Singapore - Tips for your puppies to live longer.
Caesarean cases managed differently by 3 breeders.
The Schnauzer had 9 puppies and a ruptured womb.
Greenish black fluid spurted out of the bitch's abdomen when I incise
the midline fibrous tissue to gain access into the abdomen and then
the womb to take out the puppies by Caesarean delivery.
This was abnormal and the first time I encountered such a scenario.
There should be no abdominal fluid in any healthy animal or person.
Sometimes, a heavily pregnant bitch might have large volumes of clear
abdominal fluid produced. This would be due to pressure on blood
vessels resulting in leaking of fluid to the abdomen from the blood.

Why was there a green fluid? The bitch had a dark green vaginal
discharge and this was due to the breakdown of the placenta.
the green vaginal discharge was seen, it meant that at least one puppy
had died. Its placenta providing nutrients and blood supply to
the puppy had separated from the puppy and had decomposed. The dark
green cells flowed out from the vagina and warned the breeder that his
bitch was in difficult labour.
I removed the puppies fast. Two were stillborn and their placentas had
melted away. Not the normal healthy solid disc-shaped ones I
usually see. 7 were still vigorous after the breeder had rubbed
them. The biggest puppy was lodged in the end of one uterine
horn, deep inside and another pup near it, where I could see the
perforated hole in the horn. Approximately 2 cm long. As if there was
a weakness in the womb. Green pigments from the placenta stained this
gap. It needed to be stitched up too.
The bitch had a rectal temperature of 39 degrees C pre-operation. This
high temperature was bad for the puppies. How many would survive by
day 7?

"Mr Huang, find a foster mother to feed the puppies," I recommended.
This mother would not be fit to suckle.
It was easier said than done. Mr Huang had only one other nursing
mother and it might reject outsiders.
The Schnauzer killed two pups. 3 died. The last two was stepped upon
by the foster mother by day 2.
The breeder believed that 58th day was too early for Caesarean
sections as premature puppies could not survive long. Yet, the bitch
was already passing green vaginal discharge. Any delay would kill or
weaken the mother and puppies.
The bitch needed to be observed hourly in such cases. She would
have difficulty in birth over-night and needed a midnight Caesarean
delivery. This Caesarean was done the next day afternoon. The
delay was too long. |
The Shih Tzu 7 healthy puppies
Shih Tzu had 7 puppies. She had dystocia (difficulty in birth) as no
puppies were born after 3 to 4 hours of labour pains and contractions.
The top breeder did not waste more time. He elected to have a
Caesarean delivery.

The bitch was 60th day pregnant and there was no worries about
premature puppies. All 7 and the mother were alive and well by day 6
and later.

I enjoyed seeing them gaining weight every day. Once they gain
weight daily, chances are they will grow up to be 8 weeks old for
The Chihuahua had 2 water bags
is a water bag? It is the sac enclosing and
protecting the puppy. When the
water bag appears
at the vagina, it
means that the bitch is in the
second stage of labour when the cervix had dilated to permit the puppy
to come
out from the womb.
When two water bags are seen as in this case, it means that two
puppies are in the birth canal and are unable to come out. The bitch
may not know what to do. This would be an emergency Caesarean section.
The bitch may rupture the water bag. Any delay in getting a Caesarean
delivery will result in dead puppies.

Careful and regular observation of the bitch's behaviour could make a
difference between success and failure in canine breeding.
If the bitch has difficulty
labour overnight, the puppies may die. A secret of success in canine
breeding is to have competent help to check out the bitch past
midnight and the ability to get transportation to the vet within 1
hour for an emergency Caesarean section.
Extracts from the
Asiahomes.com Book:
Apartment Puppies in Singapore: Tips for a longer life for your
Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow), MRCVS.
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