![]() 21 Oct 2003 Focus: Affordable internet property and pet advertisements 031020Singapore chihuahua dog dystocia, pet health and welfare educational for animal lovers, from Asiahomes Internet Tips for Pet Lovers, sponsored by AsiaHomes Internet. October 21, 2003 Why intubate during Caesarean?" ![]() The endotracheal tube connects the anaesthetic machine which supplies the oxygen and anaesthetic gas to the lungs. Mr Formicelli knew that time was of the essence. A delay would kill one or all the remaining "three" puppies inside the womb as they would "asphyxiate". He believed that the puppy's breathing would be obstructed by the inhalation of amniotic fluid into its lungs due to the delay in Caesarean section. The bitch was still struggling after five minutes of anaesthetic gas. It was common for healthy bitches to fight against the gas by withholding their breath. "Why bother with the intubation of the bitch when a gas mask would suffice?" Mr Formicelli asked. "The other vet just use the gas mask for Caesarean delivery." "If the bitch suffers a heart attack during gas mask anaesthesia, it will be impossible to revive her with the emergency oxygen since the breathing tube is not connected to her lungs to deliver the oxygen," I explain. "I will have to quickly stop operating and blow air into the bitch. That may not help." I continued: "Furthermore, if the bitch dies, her puppies will die as blood which carries nutrients and oxygen to them has stopped. I would need to take out the puppies out of the womb fast. It will be messy." Mr Formicelli kept quiet. The bitch was important to him. So were live puppies to be delivered by Caesarean section. The breeding business had to be profitable. Profits or losses depend on the number of healthy live puppies born and the number of bitches the breeder has. This 2-year-old bitch must be alive after surgery as she was in her prime. Her breeding life span was five years. I checked the pain reflex by pinching the Chihuahua's toes. It was already thirty-eight minutes since Mr Formicelli phoned me after saying he had pulled out a large pup and would need an emergency Caesarean. He was caught in the morning rush hour and took thirty minutes to reach the surgery. Would the puppies had died by now? I knew they were safe as they had not descended from the upper part of the womb. The lower part of the womb was flat. So there was time unlike the earlier case. ![]() ![]() Back to the operating table. Once the pedal pain reflex was abolished, Nurse Ann quickly opened the bitch's mouth. I managed to insert the breathing tube. The bitch was anaesthesized at a low 1.5 % of the gas. She started labour contractions as the anaesthetic dose was low. "Increase to 5% for a minute," I asked Nurse Ann. The small intestine loop and the omental fat were popping out of the incision hole. the bitch's head was shaking. I stopped surgery to stabilise the moving bitch. This was a dangerous period. The bitch would die if the anaesthesia was too high and jumped out of the operating table if the anaesthesia was too low. How short a period she should be under 5%? There was no magic formula. A minute might be too long or insufficient time. The bitch was still struggling as she felt the breathing tube in her airways. "Wait a bit longer before decreasing the dose," I said. ![]() The rebreathing bag showed no movement. Was she dead? I quickly flushed out the anaesthetic gas in ther rebreathing bag, pressed the red button to release the emergency oxygen for the bitch. I cupped the chest and pressed it with my fingers. The massage of the heart to get the heart beating. Five presses of the heart, emergency oxygen pumped into the lungs by pressing the rebreathing bag, five presses again. No sign of life. This was a fit bitch. Was she dead? I repeated the procedures three times. The normal breathing resumed. The bitch was stable. Two large puppies could wait to get out. Mr Formicelli had 3 puppies from this Chihuahua. The first one was big and broad chested and he had manually delivered it. Experience had saved this first pup. The endotracheal tube, by delivering oxygen, saved the mother and the other two. © Asiahomes Internet.
EXPORT SALES *Puppies for sale: Sep 29 03 *Puppies for sale: Sep 28 03 *Puppies for sale: Sep 20 03. *Sep 20 03. Singapore-born Chihuahuas for export sales *Puppies for sale - Sep 15 03. *Puppies for Sale - Sep 9 03 *Puppies For Sale - puppies sold: Page 2 *Kittens for Sale - Sep 12 03 |
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