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Real life common encounters on property problems and some possible solutions are shared to benefit all international surfers to www.asiahomes.com |
cases handled by me as a housing agent are analysed. I
hope this article will help new housing agents to close
more deals. Readers are welcome to share their own
experiences. Send files under Microsoft Word by email to drsing@asiahomes.com for publication. Some of my experiences to be shared with New Agents are best illustrated with real cases. |
Ref: 802081
What did the Australian Want ? |
This report illustrates to
new Housing Agents That their "choice" unit may not be what the Expatriate Tenant wants. |
February 8,
1998 "I know there is no chance as Mr H has had viewed my highly recommended unit with another agent yesterday" said Ms M, a mid-30s lady agent that left a steady job to become a realtor for the past few months. Mr H had seen a well renovated HDB 2-bedroom in Holland Road and was impressed. The rental asked was $1,900 and the Landlord would wait for his reply till lunch-time as it was the very first unit he had seen. The rental asked was above market rate but then, some expats do have the budget. Since Ms M had no business for over 4 weeks, I had asked her to take my client, an Australian Caucasian male and Asian fiancee both <30 years old, to view apartments as I was suddenly overwhelmed by 3 new clients within 2 days. The rental budget was $1,500 - $2,000. I told Ms M that the lowest possible rental would close but she would not believe me. Ms M, like most new agents, assumed that $2,000 would be best for the prospect as she wanted to maximise her income. New Agents: You may end up with zero income if you adopt this direction of getting the higher range because the expatriate customer usually wants the lower range. She was thoroughly demoralised as she had missed the "top of her list" by few hours to another agent. From my experience, she would likely close at the lower range because that is what the customer wanted affordable cheap rental as first priority. To help her, I had to be present to introduce her to my clients at the Apollo Hotel at 9 a.m. I told Mr H that we could view other apartments on Sunday if none was to his satisfaction. He had his fiancee with him (likely to close if couple view together). I had postponed house-hunting for Mr H until his fiancee arrived but he did view the "choice" unit with another realtor through my referral as I did not expect her to have this listing. In any case, nothing is guaranteed and she might be further demoralised. She had advertised listings in the Straits Times without success or response (a common situation for all realtors in 1997 and 1998) and had spent a lot of money. This spiralled to a NMA (negative mental attitude) and inertia as no revenue led to no money for further newspaper advertisements. In such situations, the following may be advised:
Conclusion. Many expats usually have a rental budget of <$2,000. Couples prefer their own unit, near public transport or subway and around $1,500 rental. In above case, Mr H did not take the "choice" apartment and Ms M closed by co-broking. This case emphasizes to new Housing Agents the importance of qualifying Tenants and getting the lowest rental. This equates to lower commission but there will be some crumbs on the table, rather than drought. |
walk to Raffles Place, Clarke Quay 2-bedroom,
brand new condo, full facilities, PLEASE CONTACT AsiaUSA Realty at (65) 9668 6468, 254 2728 or email drsing@asiahomes.com now! I have other UE Square Condo units too if you miss this boat! |
For more
Information :
Dr Sing Kong Yuen
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