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Army days with the "pastor"
I was contacted via email by the surfing pastor, an old army officer I had not met for at
least 20 years. That was how the Internet re-establishes old friendship.
It was good to meet up. Four of us: 2 being senior citizens who are defined as above
age of 55 years old.
"Order the whole chicken," over-ruled the pastor while 3 of us wanted only half
a chicken, being health conscious even though this Toa Payoh Lor 4 eatery place is famous
for its chicken. The pastor just loves good food.
30 years ago, I could not imagine he would be in the service of God. He was an army
officer and later a top photographer. At that time, it was the bra-less feminist
movement. The models who came into his studio would leave behind bras and panties.
He was strictly professional, not dirtying his own courtyard.
He still remembered the hilarious events in the army vividly. One was the CO or Commanding
Officer's monthly parade. The CO would stand on a dais and take the salute of the
parading officer and his group as they mark past him.
The parading officer was one seconded from the police force. He was leading the
contingent. As the group neared the CO's platform, he continued marching past the
platform and the CO.
All the others turned left and saluted the CO while he marched on to turn left behind the
CO who was returning the salute to the group.
"I have never seen such a happy group of soldiers in my life," commented the CO
repeated the pastor. I couldn't believe this incident as there would have been rehearsals.
The parading officer probably did not attend the rehearsals.
Another funny incident was a Captain who could swallow hot coals and put fish hooks into
his skin without pain.
At a demonstration to the CO, he extended his neck and lifted up one piece of hot lump
above his mouth with his chopsticks.
Could he really swallow hot coals? All stood with their mouths open. The air was
still. The soldiers love this type of extra ordinary shows. |
"Hey, hey,
there," shouted one bystander loudly. That loud
distraction gave the Captain a shock.
The hot lump slipped and fell onto his moustache and smoke appeared. Half the
moustache was up in flames and there was a rush for the fire extinguisher. He became
a half-moustache Captain.
Another story involved 3 new lawyer-graduate officers joining the unit for national
service reported for duty to this pastor. They were given a piece of ground to put
up 3 tents as their barracks. They complied. The Army worked by blind
obedience to orders. If you did not want to get punished, like not being able to go
home during the weekend, you obeyed the orders.
3 free lunches were given by the new officers as it was a tradition of the officer's mess
and the pastor was president of the mess. They duly complied.
"When did the tradition start?" they enquired later.
"Well, it started with you," said the pastor.
Life should not be so serious in national service and the pastor was a good man to lift
your spirits if you could take his jokes.
Once my mini-car disappeared from the parking lot. The jokers just lifted up the
back wheel and shifted it to another place.
The best car joke appeared to be that of the Land Rover driver. As the office was on
top of a hill, the driver had parked the Land Rover on the slope to see the pastor.
The vehicle disappeared when he came back.
It would be court-martial for him if he had left the keys behind in the ignition.
No, he did not. Was it one of the pastor's pranks?
No. The vehicle had rolled backwards down the long road, hit 2 trees and crashed into the
entry gate of the camp. Nobody was killed. Luckily, it did not crash into the cells where
prisoners were held or there would be a mass escape. Those were the early days and
we were the military police Officers.
The Army was not the pastor's vocation. Neither was it his hobby of photography in
which he was really good and was making good money from big projects.
30 years ago, I could not imagine him being a pastor. Just no way could he sell his
services to the one above. But fact is stranger than fiction. I was having lunch
here with three believers who, of course, try to convert me to their faith.
The pastor is poorly paid in Singapore. He would have been catering to the top
corporate clients in photography. It is hard to support a family and to make ends
meet as a pastor but God has provided him with intelligent children and they excel in
studies. One is a doctor and one is working in a creative ad agency in Manhattan.
If you were not a believer, you would say that they have been motivated by hard times to
better themselves. It would be the inner drive, the energy and the hunger to succeed.
Those would be the ingredients for success. if you read motivation and success story
The pastor does not beg to differ. He believes it is the faith in God. It will be
improper for me to argue otherwise with an old army mate. |