How to select (Tategoi) Koi? | |
![]() Let Mr. Robert Yap of Malaysia Koi Club tells you the know-how of selecting Tategoi & related topics. Detail discussions can be found at MKC. ZNA Malaysia Secretary Annie Chan has taped an interview with Mr. Lee Chih Ping , a Koi dealer/breeder and All Japan Shinkokai judge from Taiwan. The following are the salient points translated by me for information of hobbyists. 1. Definition of Tategoi: a Tategoi is a koi with future potentials . A tategoi can be of any size. As long as the koi is an unfinished koi with future potentials , it is a tategoi. 2. It is easier to choose a tategoi of 2 to 3 years which is about 45 to 65 cm as its features are clear and stable. It is much more difficult to choose a very young koi which we are unsure how it will develop, and its features are unclear. The failure rate with a young koi is very much more higher , but the consolation is that you get great sense of achievement if the young koi develops into a quality koi 3. To choose a tategoi, firstly you must like the pattern. Secondly, look at the body shape. Head and tail section must be big, and the length of good proportion. The mouth should be big, not pointed. The tail section should be thick when viewed from the top and from the side. Thirdly, look at the quality of the skin colour. The body colour should be even, that is the colour like the hi should be uniform the kiwa should be sharp and the white colour should be thick like the ivory white. Fourthly, the body should display good shining quality which reflects good health. Lastly, take out the koi and examine carefully whether it has any defects like defective fins, twisted mouth, defective eyes etc. 4. Whether the koi will become a Jumbo koi in future depends on the koi's blood line (parents) and the breeding system. Here breeding system means how often the parent kois breed, whether once a year or once in 2 years. This information has to come from the breeder/dealer and is vital in deciding your choice and expectation. 5. Without knowing the parent kois, it is difficult to tell how big the young koi will grow. Hence we cannot expect every koi to grow to Jumbo size. 6. Water quality is of paramount importance in raising koi to develop their full potentials, and to maintain the good qualities of the mature koi. The colours; red, white, black will develop naturally when water quality is good . 7. Clean the filter regularly. Do not allow too much waste accumulates in the filter. Clarity of water does not necessarily mean good quality water. 8. Do not over stock. The old Japanese rule of thumb is 1 ton of water for 3 kilos of fish. Nowadays with better equipment the stocking level can be higher. ( Translator's comments: Overstock may be root cause of poor water quality in that if too muck waste is generated, there is too much acid leading to lower ph, lesser share of dissolved oxygen for the fish , and the risk of fatal accident like a power failure.) 9. It is not advisable to feed too much spirulina as the koi's liver will be over burdened. It is advisable to change koi feed and try feed from different sources , but not to mix feed of different brands or ingredients for feeding. I personally find the above points useful and hope you do. On the need to examine koi carefully for defects, I recall a Chinese story which illustrates the same principle: Once upon a time in China, there were two rich families with the same problem . One family had a son who had a defective limping leg , while the other family had a daughter with front teeth sticking out. Both could not find a suitable spouse. The same match maker who was appointed by the two families thought of a way to solve the problem. On the appointed day of mutual viewing, the young man was arranged to ride on a horse strolling past the young lady who covered her mouth with a bundle of flowers. With their defects covered, both parties took liking for the other party and agreed on marriage. Only on the wedding day did they discover the defects. This story is intended to add humor if not insight into the need for careful examination. With warm greetings and happy new year
from Robert Yap |
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