corneal ulcer is painful and
animals with ulcers often squint
their eyes. It is wise to
consult your veterinarian
immediately as the ulcer may be
a deep one or an infected one.
When the animal continues to rub
its eye, the corneal ulcer
ruptures and the gelatinous
aqueous or vitreous substance
comes out.
The eyeball collapses and the
animal will have lost it vision.
When this happens, there is very
little the doctor can do except
to cut out the eyeball. If
the bacteria goes into the
aqueous and the vitreous, the
eyeball becomes infected and is
very painful. This infected
eyeball may need to be removed
by surgery too.
Hence, it is always important to
treat eye injuries as an
emergency and consult your
Shih Tzus in Singapore and all
over the world have a high
incidence of eye injuries due to
trauma. Many owners do not know
that excision of the two nasal
folds and correction of the medial
entropion of the lower eyelid will
prevent hair irritating the eye
cornea and result in much less
injuries in the life-span of the
Shih Tzu.
They prefer regular visits to the
groomer to trim the nasal fold
hairs and other aspects of
surgery. However, for owners with
no time for groomers or the dog, a
procedure that is done at Toa
Payoh Vets will provide relief
from pain and lower the long-term
grooming and veterinary eye
surgery cost for the owner. A
healthy Shih Tzu can live past 15
years and the savings from doing
this nasal fold excision surgery
to are considerable but few owners
can see the big picture.
A case of a recent eye injury in a Shih Tzu
is shown below. One of the causes
is that the hairs from the nasal
fold had irritated the left eye
causing the dog to rub and damage
the cornea.
The wife used to clear the tear
stains from the inside of the
nasal fold but had no time to do
that in the past few weeks. It was
possible that the nasal fold had
become wet and infected. The dog
rubbed and rubbed off the itch and
damaged his left eye cornea. I
advised a nasal fold excision for
both the left and right side so
that the folds do not trap the
tears and it is easier to wash
them away when the face is flat
after nasal fold excision.
It is up to the owner to request
the surgery as it costs around
$300 - $500 for anaesthesia and
surgery to cut off the right and
left nasal folds.